Saturday, November 13, 2010

Time Correction for Meeting

My apologies. I posted the wrong time for the Board meeting for November 14 - It is at 4:00PM Mountain Time and 5:00 Eastern. *Uncle Fred*

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Board Meeting Rescheduled

The Nov. 6, 2010 meeting of the Clark Family Trust Board has been rescheduled for Sunday, Nov. 14 at 9AM Mountain Time (10AM Central; 11AM Eastern). The Draft Agenda from the Nov. 6 meeting will serve as the Draft agenda for the Nov. 14 meeting.
- Your Secretary,
*Uncle Fred*

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Draft Agenda for Nov. 6 2010 Board Meeting

DRAFT agenda

Clark Family Trust Board Meeting

November 6, 2010

9AM Mountain Time

10AM Central Time

11AM Eastern Time

Note: Decisions of the Board require at least 5 out of 7 votes. Consensus is preferred.

I. Old business from previous Board Meetings

a. Compile a list of names, addresses, emails, phone #s, birthdays, anniversaries, for everyone in their family and provide that information to Fred. (Henry, Gerry, Mary, Tim)

b. Compile list of those in each family group who has paid dues, how much, and when. Provide documentation whenever possible. Send to Kiley (All)

c. Encourage family members to pay dues (All)

d. Pay Board Dues (All)

e. Check out bundling the insurances (Gerry)

f. Look into ways to lower vehicle insurance costs (Gerry)

g. Pay non-ranch property taxes retroactive to 2008 (Tim)

h. Investigate potential for conservation easement (Gerry)

i. Fix Fuel Leak on Welder (Tim)

j. Sell Welder (Tim)

k. Set Up Tax Payments on Tim’s House with County (Tim)

l. Document Tim’s Payments for Water (Tim)

m. Review Stream and Pond Design (Board)

n. Pay off Credit Card ASAP (Kiley)

o. Sell Jeep (Kiley)

i. Consider Henry’s offer to purchase

p. Acquire Inventory from Deanne and Jason (Mary)

q. Post Inventory on Blog (Fred)

r. Develop Ranch Behavioral Guidelines (All, Mary to coordinate)

s. Decide on Method to Distribute Residential Lots by Family Group (Board)

t. Develop Schedule of Activities for Family Reunion – 8/6-8/2011 (Mary and Henry, with Board review)

u. Finish Engraving on Grandma Bea’s Headstone (Kiley to arrange for spring 2011)

v. Allowing steers for family members? (Board)


a. Change due date for dues to better coincide with tax year (Fred)

b. Review of financial accounting (Kiley and Fred)

c. Project Updates

d. Other new business

III. Next Board Meeting Date and Time

IV. Adjourn