Saturday, May 28, 2011

Board Meeting May 22, 2011: Draft Notes


Clark Family Trust Board Meeting

May 22, 2011

Board Members Present via Skype: Henry, Kiley, Mary, Fred

- A Quorum of Five was not present, so no Board decisions were made.

I. Old Business (Follow-up Tasks)

· Tim called Henry and emailed Fred that he would not be on the call today. Nobody was able to get in touch with Gerry, though Henry indicated that Gerry knew about the meeting.

· Fred and Kiley had sent out the spreadsheets that display the expenses associated with the Capitol One Credit Card from 2008 through April 2011. Without Tim and Gerry on the call, we could not go over them in detail.

II. New Business

· Savings Account: Criteria for spending – Discussion leaned toward the idea that a full vote from the Board should be required for any decision to move money out of the savings account, and either three or four signatures should be required to actually accomplish the move.

· Accounting Spreadsheets: Fred asked if people want to see the overall accounting spreadsheets before they are complete. Those on the phone said they would like to see them.

· Tax payment: Tim had indicated that he will be paying $100 per month to the Trust toward the back taxes for his house. Discussion included the idea that the Trust had already paid the taxes for Tim’s house earlier, so Tim’s continuing not to pay is essentially taking a loan from the Trust on that amount. The Board has not discussed the payment schedule. There was discussion as to whether Tim should be paying interest on the back taxes.

· Residential Area: The remaining unassigned plots are those for the family groups associated with Henry, Mary, Kiley (/Joe), and Lynn (/Charley Jr.). Fred asked if people would like to have their plots assigned prior to the reunion. Henry, Mary, and Kiley thought they could come up with a unanimous agreement between them. That still leaves Lynn out, but nobody has been able to get ahold of her yet.

· Board member dues: Fred asked if it would help to send out the spreadsheets again that show the records for who has paid how much for dues and for which years. Some still have the spreadsheets on file, but the general feeling was that it would be a good idea to send them out again.

· Family Reunion: What’s new? Tim says the porta potties would cost $200.

o Reminder: send photos to Joe for the family reunion CD.

o Reminder: Need actual commitment from family members as to who will be at the reunion. Mary indicated that she thought they could just adapt on the fly, depending on who really shows up. Fred thought it would be a good idea to at least try to pin the numbers down a little bit better.

III. Next Meeting Date and Time

· The next meeting will be on June 5, 2011, at 4PM Mountain, 5PM Central, and 6PM Eastern.

IV. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned.