Sunday, January 9, 2011

Board Meeting Rescheduled to January 16, 5PM Mountain Time

Because of a lack of a quorum on today's Board Meeting call, we need to reschedule. Those on the call (Kiley, Henry, Mary, Charley, and Fred) agreed to move the call to next Sunday, January 16, at 7PM Eastern, 6PM Central, and 5PM Mountain Time. No agenda items were discussed.

We will use the same draft agenda unless people suggest changes between now and then. If you do have suggestions, please drop me a line or call.

- Your Secretary, *Fred*

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Planning for the Family Reunion

Mary posted on Facebook that she needs ideas for meals for the Reunion, and for folks to let her know what days they would like to provide meals for. Please contact her about that. In addition, it might help if we had a better idea of what might occur on each day. All of us should provide ideas to Mary and/or to Henry so they can put together a more detailed agenda for the reunion. It is your family, your Ranch, and your reunion. What are your ideas? Here are a few for starters.

The Reunion will occur on the weekend of July 23, but remember - you are welcome to come early and stay late. I would think that events would start ramping up on Friday, July 23, have some main focus on at least part of the 24th (Board Meeting with all family participation? Family chili cookoff competition?), and then have a final full day of celebration on Sunday, the 25th. Gerry has offered to bring horses for riding. We should have a time set aside for a work project, cleaning or fixing something that needs it. Horseshoes. Softball. Volleyball. Tours of completed and prospective projects. Story telling (embarrass your favorite sibling! Or your parents!). Shuttles to Holland Lake. Bonfires. Bring your musical instruments for famjams. Family photos to share. Arts and crafts sessions. Races. Treasure hunts. Plant identification lessons. Dancing. Star gazing. Sitting around and just chatting. Sitting around and just not chatting. Learning Potawatomi words. Make a map showing where everyone came from. Pie eating contest. . . . You get the idea: fun stuff!

Those of you who are Potawatomi citizens, let me know if you would like to receive a Potawatomi name. If there is sufficient interest, I'll contact Tribal leaders to see if they can come to do a group naming ceremony at the reunion. We'll have to ask soon though to get on their calendars.

- Your Board Secretary, *Uncle Fred*