Sunday, August 21, 2011

Draft Agenda for September 11, 2011 Board Meeting

(Same agenda as sent out for the August 21 meeting,
which was cut short because of a lack of Board participation)

I. Review and Accept Agenda
II. Notes from meeting of July 24, 2011:
Fred facilitated the in-person meeting at the ranch on the final day of the reunion. Fred went through a list of items the Board could consider and others added to the list. The Board took up a few of those items before adjourning. It was a short meeting.
• Kiley gave a brief update on the current financials
• The Board decided to institute a reservation system for using the cabins at the ranch, with Mary serving as the point of contact for the reservations. Everyone wanting to use the cabins, whether for one night or for several needs to contact Mary, either by phone (406-210-3785)or email ( to check on availability and make a reservation. Mary will keep a log book for reservations. There was discussion that reservations do not need to be exclusive, so multiple users can coordinate their visits at the same time - but they do need to coordinate so nobody is surprised or left without a place to sleep, etc.
• Hank offered to create a sign-in sheet on which people visiting the ranch can not only note when they stayed there, but also to note the condition of the place and what needs to be fixed or other concerns and observations. See old business for the current format for that sheet.
• Fred had made copies of the Board members’ drivers’ licenses for Kiley to use in setting up a new Trust savings account (which he later emailed to Kiley). Kiley will check with the bank to get whatever forms are needed out to the Board members to sign to set up the account.
• Kiley said she’d check up with the person who is supposed to finish the engraving on Grandma Bea’s grave.
• Henry indicated that he would be stepping down from the Board and passing his Board membership to Madonna. Hank and Ryan have both expressed interest in participating with the Board when it meets.
• The list of potential items to be discussed at that meeting or in future meetings included:
o Expectations around the use and maintenance of equipment at the ranch, including
 Fixing the backhoe and dozer
 Board permission for taking equipment off of ranch property
 Setting up and using an equipment log
o Possibility of renting out ranch cabins and/or other buildings
o Making expenditures for ranch as reimbursable with pre-authorization from the Board required
o Cleaning up/removing old vehicles, trailers, etc.
o Distribution of Bea and Charley’s stuff at Tim’s house
o Weed spraying
o Moving/rebuilding bunk house
o Billing for dues
o Questionnaire to family members about goals for ranch/Board/Trust, etc.
o Handing off the ranch/Board/Trust to next generations

III. Old Business (Follow-up Tasks)
a. Modify and Accept notes from July 24 meeting
b. Finances update (Kiley)
i. Funds from reunion: raffle and donations
ii. Account balances
iii. Dues Payment Update
iv. Setting up accounts
v. Board member payments on loans
1. Henry: Jeep loan
2. Mary: funds loan
3. Tim: taxes
c. Credit card expenses review (Gerry and Tim)
d. Condition of grants from brushing - $6000 plus $588? (Gerry)
e. Separating personal tax bill (Tim)
f. Review and accept sign-in sheet format (Fred)
g. Restoration Project Update (Gerry)

IV. New Business
a. Savings Account: Criteria for spending
b. Accounting Spreadsheets: Do people want to see them before they are complete? Could send summaries of dues paid/not, utilities, etc.
c. Residential Area: Assign plots?
d. Fred and Cindy’s house: Signed form for ownership
e. Substituting labor for dues
f. Expectations around the use and maintenance of equipment at the ranch, including
g. Fixing the backhoe and dozer
h. Board permission for taking equipment off of ranch property
i. Setting up and using an equipment log
j. Possibility of renting out ranch cabins and/or other buildings
k. Making expenditures for ranch as reimbursable with pre-authorization from the Board required
l. Cleaning up/removing old vehicles, trailers, etc.
m. Distribution of Bea and Charley’s stuff at Tim’s house
n. Weed spraying
o. Moving/rebuilding bunk house
p. Billing for dues
q. Questionnaire to family members about goals for ranch/Board/Trust, etc.
r. Handing off the ranch/Board/Trust to next generations

V. Next Meeting Date and Time
a. The next meeting will be on ______, 2011, at 4PM Mountain, 5PM Central, and 6PM Eastern.

VI. Adjourn

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